Tyler Sterling
I know what it’s like for you, I’ve been there, and you can find a way through, too.
Being LGBT+ can age you a few decades before you reach 25. Feeling different, being different, can be absolutely exhausting.
Even worse, the world is not built to be kind to LGBT people, even with all the progress we’ve seen.
The world is still not built right at its core, alienating us, whispering we don’t belong with simple questions like, “So have you found a girlfriend yet?” …when you’re not into girls. Or, “Yes, ma’am, how can I help you today?” …when you are not a “ma’am” at all, but a sir.
Sometimes it’s hard to make it through a day.
Even the most well-intending families often do not know how to best love, support, and nurture their LGBT+ family member. Some families are outright harmful to us.
Dating and relationships can feel impossible, so much so that some of us just give up. A partner may be all we dream of in this world – reaching for the ‘more’ we want desperately.
Overwhelming, thick anxiety often grips our gut like a tight fist. Or even worse, we might be to the point where we are just drowning in hopelessness or lost in a disorienting storm.

Our goal: you are fully alive. Our aim: you are living as you dream.
My beloved family, my queer siblings, you are worth more than this world could ever dream. The world is not worthy of you.
You are good and perfect, just as you are, and you CAN have the life you yearn for. That hope you’ve locked away in the center of you, afraid to whisper – it’s time to bring it out into the light.
You can walk toward the life you desire with me beside you. I want to be a part of seeing you realize just how remarkable you are, just how good you are. You can have the romantic relationship and family that you’ve hoped for. You can be understood and understand.

You can finally start to feel safe and loved in your own skin.
I’ve seen LBGT+ people at all levels of struggle, confusion, agony, difficulty, or despair. And what they all have in common when they begin therapy with me is that they start to see more of what they hoped for.
Families now understand ALL the members and feel more whole.
Many of the people I worked with started dating in a way that felt healthy, good, and lasting for the first time.
I’ve helped many people happily transition to live the life they always pictured in their mind.
This can be you. Don’t wait another 6 months to start therapy.
If you are anything like me, you know what not dealing with this kind of thing can do. It eats away at you. It erodes your relationships even more. The emptiness gets even heavier. The anxiety stronger. The confusion thicker. The pain deeper.
Take steps toward the freedom and hope you need today.